Friday, March 25, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence

"The Rabbit Proof Fence" is a movie about the period in Australia known as the Stolen Generation and how the British attempted to erase the aboriginal race in the nation. As this movie demonstrates many of the hardships that both the half caste children and their families had to go through, it also illustrates a story about a true hero that valued patriotism more than resignation to the British. Molly Craig is 14 year old aboriginal half caste that is stolen away from her mother along with her younger sister and cousin by the British and are sent to a Gulag where they are to become "British" and fade away from their aboriginal culture. Although Molly's cousin and her sister start getting used to the British atmosphere, Molly refuses to blend in with the other half castes and gets packing. With her independence and very strong character, Molly leads her two siblings away from the Gulag and is determined to get back home despite the 1000 miles in between or the tracker that is hunting for the three runaways. In my eyes, she is definitely a hero because unlike others who give up, Molly fights back is willing to risk her life to save her siblings' and her freedom and future.


  1. I agree that Molly is a hero, but I think you could have gave examples of when she was hero. For example, her sisters bag. When she made it seem as if they were going upstream when in reality, they were going downstream. This showed that she, not only, protected her life, but her family too.

  2. I totally agree with you. She is a hero because she cares more about her sisters and protects them from the British.

  3. I agree Vidya, it is the fact that she tries to save not only herself from the camp but her sister and cousin as well.
