Monday, March 28, 2011

Persuasion to the British Australians

I believe that the natives of Australia deserve a heart felt apology for the suffering that the British Australians have brought on them from the earliest times of colonization to a just few years ago. This injustice has only been recognized recently, and therefore could not be addressed as we can today. Although the present day Australians had no direct hand in the period in Australia known as the Stolen Generation and the ruthless actions taken on the aboriginals, the shame carries on to this generation. Today the world views this nation as an ethnocentric country that forcefully tried to wipe out an entire race. The British Australians took away the half caste children from their families and sent them more than a 1000 miles away to either become maids or farmers if they weren't "white" enough. Not only did the British violate all the rights of the aboriginals by claiming that their children were the property of the British, they stopped all aboriginals from expressing any sign of their cultural identity. The British forced the children to never speak in their language and to only act and behave by the British culture and only the British culture. This, I believe is a great crime to deprive a person of their identity and is definitely worth apologizing.

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