Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mythical Hero- Hercules

Hercules is a young man who lives in Thebes, Greece. Hercules inherited his father's strength and temper from Almighty Zeus, a god. When Hercules accidentally drinks, he goes into rage and kills his wife (his stepsister) and his own children. He soon gets punished by being sent to King Eurystheus and working for the king as a slave. Because King Eurystheus hates Hercules, he sends him on dangerous tasks hoping that Hercules would die. Because of his amazing strength, Hercules is able to finish these tasks easily, unlike normal people who have died trying to finish these tasks. He is sent on quests such as; killing the great Hydra, a vicious snake that grow two heads for every head you cut off. Not only that, he was also sent to kill the Nemean Lion. He was sent on many of these quests by the King Eurytheus like these, that were dangerous and life threatening, but he had accomplished all of these missions easily. Being half human and half god, Hercules takes on all the beasts and danger without breaking much of a sweat.

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