Sunday, October 25, 2009


A name huh? Well, we all know that everyone has a name, but I believe that with every name, comes a story behind it. Mine holds one too, and it all started from the day I had entered the Planet Earth.

“Aww… she is so beautiful” the doctors had said. “Have you decided a name yet for her?” “No, not yet. We have to see an astrologer to figure out what her name is going to be.” See in my family, we would decide the names of a child according to their birth time, their star, and the names of the other family members. It was such an amazing process, how they decided what your name should be just by looking at your star. According to my astrologer, my name had to start with a “V”.

Not only that, but for some reason a lot of Indian parents wanted to name their child after a goddess or a great leader. That included my parents as well. This was how I got my name. Vidya was the name of a great guru. He was the idol of many, and a friend for everyone. Caring for others, he would assist anyone in need. Even if it meant he himself would lose something. Being the great man everyone looked up to, his personality matched his name. God of Knowledge- he was knowledge. Not even having to study, he could out- smart anyone. Even the thoughts his mind consisted were amazing. He had a brain that could look farther than any other man on Earth. My mom believed that if I was named after her guru, it would bring happiness and his kind of personality in me. She wanted me to be successful in life, but to also be a great leader like her guru.

Now the second part of my name- Karthini was given to me by my father. Karthini was the name of another great leader of Indonesia that he looked up to. Although she was a woman, she accomplished so many things and led others to victory. My father looked to her for her principles.

So basically my name is “Knowledge Leader.” I guess this is why people would look up to me to learn and to follow.

With a name comes a nick-name, and I had many. Some of my friends call me Video as a teaser and other family members call me Karu. Even though I might have many nick-names, I am still Vidya Karthini and no matter how much I don't like it, I will be "Knowledge Leader."

Maybe one day I will be the leader that my name proves to be, the young Vidya Karthini.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mythical Hero- Hercules

Hercules is a young man who lives in Thebes, Greece. Hercules inherited his father's strength and temper from Almighty Zeus, a god. When Hercules accidentally drinks, he goes into rage and kills his wife (his stepsister) and his own children. He soon gets punished by being sent to King Eurystheus and working for the king as a slave. Because King Eurystheus hates Hercules, he sends him on dangerous tasks hoping that Hercules would die. Because of his amazing strength, Hercules is able to finish these tasks easily, unlike normal people who have died trying to finish these tasks. He is sent on quests such as; killing the great Hydra, a vicious snake that grow two heads for every head you cut off. Not only that, he was also sent to kill the Nemean Lion. He was sent on many of these quests by the King Eurytheus like these, that were dangerous and life threatening, but he had accomplished all of these missions easily. Being half human and half god, Hercules takes on all the beasts and danger without breaking much of a sweat.