Sunday, September 12, 2010

Where do new ideas come from?

New ideas come from our brain's inspirations. Every person's brain is thinking of new ideas at every single second we live. Whether it is as simple as a new combination of foods, such as ketchup with rice, or as complicated as the next great invention that would change mankind. We are all creating new ideas. From where though? Where are we getting these new ideas that can be both meaningless or valuable? There are many reasons our brain has created such ideas. They could be our past, present, future, from our home, relatives, knowledge, loved ones or even strangers. The point is, all of our ideas have inspirations and thoughts linked to them that caused them to be created.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Favorite Short Story

My favorite story from our short story is "Lamb to the Slaughter." I liked this story the most because it not only showed a really good example of good characterization but also had a quite interesting story plot. The story is mainly about a woman that commits a murder on her husband, and has to save herself and her child from jail by hiding her murder. The very interesting part of the story that I thought was cool, was the weapon used for the murder was a frozen lamb leg that Mary Maloney (the protagonist) cooks and feeds the lamb to the detectives after she uses it for the murder. Not only that, but this story had a nice element of suspense and mystery because you never know if Mary will actually get away with the murder or not. As a whole, the story "Lamb to the Slaughter" has both good characterization with the main characters and plot elements that lead to a good climax.